今回我通過一簡單組合試之,包括 Luxman 超值的發燒入門 CD 機 D-03X,還有每聲道以兩支 6550 五極管出 50 瓦的 Audio Research i/50 膽合併機。 先來個輕輕鬆鬆的前菜、醒胃菜,播出《Audiophile Analog Collection Vol.1》中 Henry Mancini Jazz Ensemble 的〈Pink Panther〉,即聽到那片大面積 30x60mm AMT 氣動高音的確有料到,令我聽到、感受得到那陣三角鐵的 透、亮、細、飄,透明的質感、明亮的音色、細膩的顫 音、飄散的動感皆有之,敲打的動感亦相當傳神,即起醒 腦、醒神、醒耳的作用。而由鋼琴、電 Bass、色士風等玩出的鬼鬼馬馬地扮靜靜雞感覺,神神秘秘得來其實又相當高調的矛盾情緒,Evo4.4 營造出悅耳得來生猛兼玩味十足效果,叫我聽得心情輕鬆又愉快。也能夠表現 Big Band Sound 的熱熱鬧鬧起來不粗枝大葉,值得一讚!至於由小號、長號群的猝發式大強音加上爵士鼓等,間歇地玩出一 下又一下如大力踢腳 “Bang!Bang!” 的效果,Evo4.4 的雙 6.5 吋 Kevlar 盆低音加上 i/50,也確實做到有力而非死力, 中低至低頻能量生猛地收放,表現出優雅中不失鬼馬的音樂動感。
再播出《Greatest Folk Songs of All》中 Simon & Garfunkel 的〈The Sounds of Silence〉,在大面積 AMT 氣動高音及 50mm 半球軟膜中音相輔相成下,當 Art Garfunkel 那透明的嗓子跟 Paul Simon 厚潤的聲線相加下,我聽到質感、動感如流水般的歌聲,悠悠透心,一份窩心加安寧的感覺。藍岸群星《Blue Coast Collection 3》中〈Rolling In The Deep〉,Melissa Reese 那藍調玩味演譯,在跌宕的唱腔間透出不覊、帶挑釁味情緒從 Evo4.4 出來,聽到那份惋惜與不忿。也聽到她跟和唱 / 二部合唱的 Keith Greeninger 那成熟、踏實兼有力聲線之間的協調中見對比。
《Four Drummers Drumming》中的〈Seven Drums In Seven Four〉,一個考驗重播系統控制力、弱音細節營造力、強弱對比、擴散力的錄音。大面積 AMT 氣動高音加上 50mm 半球軟膜中音,將仿如鳥鳴或流水的音效,重現得細膩加流暢的程度,足以令我聯想起熱帶雨林。 即使在本社四百多方呎的大房中演出,Evo4.4 亦有本事將不同音高、質感、力度的鼓聲及敲擊,重播得分明、 起勁,亦表現得出那份有力地下墜的能量,既是 Evo4.4 雙 6.5 吋 Kevlar 盆低音加上 SLPP 底透式低音負載架構的本事,來得有質有力有墊底而無混濁,亦反映出 i/50 膽合併機果然 有料,將它們放在二百方呎或打下的空間中,肯定有本事將不同類型音樂都駕御得妥貼無投訴。 也曾播出過吳懷世指揮「Ensemble Omnia Hong Kong」演奏《馬勒第一交響曲「室樂版」》,既能夠表現 出終章的火力,亦能夠描繪出平靜過後,逐步築構出暴烈地衝著的感覺,只一萬六千多消費的喇叭,情理上都應當 收貨無投訴嘛!再得一提,其 SLPP 底透式低音負載,的確令它更易於適應不同大小空間、擺位上制肘亦更少。
把 Wharfedale Elysian 1 帶到我們細試音室,配上 Luxman D-03X CD 機、Jeff Rowland Capri S2-SC 前級和 125 立體聲後級。Burmester Power cord 接 CD 機,另外兩條電源線是 Analysis Plus Power Oval 2 Mk II。訊號 線和喇叭線同樣是 Dignity Audio 出品。
即是除了 Burmester Power cord 傾向厚身、中音和低音較為飽滿之外,其他器材、線材都是中性,或是帶清爽。然而出來的聲音卻十分平衡,亦沒有偏冷,反而帶着暖和光澤。
第一張參考CD是《Brecon Baroque- Vivaldi: Le Quattro Stagioni, Il Grosso
Mogul, Il Riposo, L’Amoroso》(Rachel Podger)。音樂響起,馬上被充滿暖光的提 琴所吸引。各種提琴的琴腔共鳴感強烈,但不過火,弦聲是足夠的,兩者厚度不俗,和暖音色帶出木味,但不會偏暗,也沒有令中音過量。 高音量感與延伸充足,和低音一樣,沒有特別強化,反而更着重平衡 及自然,即是高音沒有過多,也沒有過於高亢,可以與中音、低音保持連貫。 低音亦未見誇張,中低音平順,未見有明顯峰值。三頻表現大致平均,而且是平均地厚,容易帶出不同樂器的質感之餘,亦變得更加動聽。
誠然,若然你喜歡聽音樂會,又喜歡刺激勁抽的影院音效,預算亦有限的話,目標指向半球形軟膜高音單元的 Diamond 12 系列會更容易滿足你的要求。至於我特別向代理借來 EVO 4 系列, 是因為第四代 EVO 是 Wharfedale 首次為系列改用 AMT 氣動式高音,也是首次讓系列使用半球形中音單元。Wharfedale 的頂級系列 Elysian 不是也用 AMT 高音與半球形中音單元嗎?對,不過 Elysian 只屬於純兩聲道系統,系列只有一款座地揚聲器與一款書架式揚聲器選擇,而 EVO 4 則齊備了中置揚聲器與環繞聲揚聲器,是唯一可組成家庭影院組合的系列。
EVO 4 系列一共有兩款座地揚聲器 EVO 4.4 與 EVO 4.3、兩款書架揚聲器 EVO4.2與 EVO4.1、兩款中置揚聲器 EVO 4.C 與 4.CS,還有一款三極揚聲器 EVO 4.S,而今次代 理送來的是體積較細小兼非常容易入屋的 EVO 4.3 座地揚聲器、EVO 4.C 中置揚聲器與 EVO 4.S 三極揚聲器,三個型號 均擁有 30x60mm AMT 高音單元與 50mm (2吋) 半球形中音單元,EVO 4.S 更有兩個 AMT 高音與兩個 50mm 半球形中音單元。
市場上,除了 ADAM Audio 的 X-ART 高音鑑聽式揚聲器,採用 AMT 高音單元的民用揚聲器幾乎沒有平價選擇, 原因是 AMT 製作並不容易。AMT – Air Motion Transformer 是藉著一片摺疊成風琴狀貼上金屬薄箔 (線圈) 的膠膜發聲,發音原理接近手風琴,推動空氣的面積比半球形高音更寬廣,高音上延力佳、瞬變快、動態良好,還有,敏感 (下文再述),AMT 氣動式高音可以輕鬆地呈現特別寬闊 的音樂空間與音場效果。
英國 High End 名牌之中,ATC 與 PMC 均採用半球形中 音單元的代表,不過讓半球形中音單元配 AMT 高音則是新 鮮的配搭,確實又是令人期待的聆聽感受,而 EVO 4 的抵玩,甚至照顧到不少預算有限,既想擁有 AMT 高音,亦想 同時擁抱半球形中音單元的發燒友的要求的朋友要留意。 EVO 4 的售價雖然親民,但設計是不馬虎,EVO 4 半球 形高音設計概念源自旗艦系列 Elysian,而 EVO 4 的織物半 球形中音振膜加上塗層加強控制力,而半球形振膜背後設 計了一個獨立箱室或打散、或吸收振膜的背波能量,再加上背後高磁通量磁組,廠方指 EVO 4 的半球形中音可線性呈現 800Hz 至 5kHz 頻率,能輕鬆自然地與 AMT 高音銜接,攜手展現寬廣音場。
EVO 4 爆得起嗎?我讓它重播《Ready Player One》, 選對 HDMI 線後,弱音細節密度與動態活靈活現,聲音爽 快、精細、微動態足,片中「回到未來」戰車噴出白煙的動態強、清、細,動力足,更有通透的立體感。比賽準備開始,煙花爆得夠開、夠放,亦聽到了鮮明的散開式立體感。比賽開始,大車、小車、電單車不同的動力與音響體 形,形成了強烈對比,動感與份量也充足,若然你覺得巨輪四驅車的低頻份量感不足,那就要升級 HDMI 線了。金幣晶瑩通透鏗鏘悅耳碎散一地的聲音,發揮出 AMT 高音的優勢,半球形軟膜高音聲音相對硬淨得多。「阿基拉」紅色戰車被撞至旋轉一圈,響軚尾音沒有被切掉,這是入門級系統鮮有如此豐富的尾音。暴龍踩爆汽車、King Kong 砸斷橋的氣勢與能量強而勁,聲音層次豐富,直至 King Kong 一手揑碎阿基拉戰車的聲音細節也展現出 AMT 豐富的細節與恰當的細節動態表達能力。 這時候,立即在影碟櫃中翻出《Quincy Jones The 75th Birthday Celebration Live at Montreux 2008》BD, 首先必需重播的是 James Moody & Patti Austin 演出的 Moody’s Mood,不能否認 Moody 有聲線老化的問題,可他的嗓子依然溫厚和暖,他隨興的演出,強弱收放自如的演 出真是教我聽得心花怒放,他刻意讓聲音開叉,也逃不過 EVO 4 的重現,他天賦的音樂感讓他嗓音隨著弱點而改變, 音樂十分動聽。Moody’s 的狂放與 Austin 的優雅又呈現截然 不同的對比,半球形中音單元的優勢,確實把入門級系統的實力發揮出另一個層次!
不能錯過的還有 Naturally 7 的 beatbox 演出,他們用嗓子扮演樂器演出 Billie Jean 與 Wall Of Sound,就算在十多 年後隔著投影幕的我,亦再次拍爛手掌。他們強烈的節奏感、扮演樂器神韻俱全,低音、中音、高音層次豐富變奏細緻,男聲合唱,每位成員的嗓音展現出不同的層次,我亦為 Wharfedale EVO 4 的實力拍掌。再挑戰《Legends of Jazz Showcase》Marcus Miller 的電 Bass 動態生猛、低頻厚潤,他演奏的揮灑自如、音樂感的澎湃豐富,確是不少 AV 環繞聲系統硬橋硬馬式的個性無法難以重現出來。 重播剛到手的《魔物獵人》Dolby Atmos,風暴雷電的寬廣音場夠闊夠量;巨型蜘蛛猛烈襲擊的聲音夠鋒利、 強勁、高速,夠嚇人。最震撼當然是火龍飛過與噴火的氣勢,還有大力士型運輸機墜毀的能量,場面浩大、聲音體 型亦宏大巨型,聲音細節十分豐富,人聲的豐富動感與細 節變化,足顯 AMT 高音與半球形高音的優勢! 若然追求聽好歌兼聽好電影音效,Wharfedale EVO 4 確實是花得起的好聲音!再次強調,選對 AV 擴音機、選對超低音、選對電源線、選對 HDMI 線非常重要,考你功夫了!
Diamond 12.3 的中低頻有層次而潤厚,聲音有潤澤與濕度,尤其是人聲和諧悅耳 特別吸引,那份傳統英倫音樂味道油然而生。我會說,Diamond 12.3 是一款為播好人聲而設的揚聲器,不論是結他伴奏的人聲、演唱會中的人聲、民歌、爵士樂的人聲, 人聲的和暖、輕甜、潤厚、濕度,有如聆聽著傳統膽機的魅力,若然配線恰當,聲音又不會有傳統膽機的緩慢。聽《Greatest Folk Songs Of All》肯定是如魚得水,舊錄音新製作的高清與清爽,人聲的厚和甜蜜,合晒合尺的節奏感,聽著 Simon & Garfunkel 演出的 The Sounds Of Silence 與 The Brothers Four 的 Try To Remember, 音樂中的空氣濕度似乎凝結在那個未有數碼資訊的模擬式時代,那份動人心弦,細味曲詞美的恰 到好處溫暖感,令我回味無窮!
《Musica Nuda》重播低音提琴的大牛筋有板有眼,低頻的下潛力有深度感,有滲 透式的蔓延力,和諧而不急不躁的琴音;女聲清甜爽朗,她的運聲變化仔細,情感豐 富而不累贅,暖在心頭。Peter, Paul & Mary 《In These Times》中,高密度的和厚人聲非常吸引。《AGA》青春的女聲有濕度,有輕甜之美,是一種沉醉在她嗓子中的吸引力,難得是演唱會的空間、樂器定位也有仔細的表達,在如此價位中能表現出全面的效果,實屬難求。 2V1G《第三次心動》,「不願一個人」那份深情與清秀靈動的嗓子,教我聽得感動。《一代王菲》的「我願意」,她那份小鳥依人,享受甜甜蜜蜜的愛情盡在不言中。其實12.3並不是一款個性特別活潑的揚聲器,而是一款淡定怡人,不激動、不火 爆、不會令憂鬱的音樂也活潑起來的揚聲器,它的感情細膩動人,可以細味,能夠觸動情感的選擇。
Proof that Wharfedale can design great high-end speakers too Tested at £6495
Wharfedale’s Diamond range has been one of the leading contenders at budget price points for more years than we care to remember. The success of this affordable series has spanned almost four decades and, understandably, tended to overshadow the company’s more premium efforts. We don’t think that’s fair, given the excellence of the current Award-winning Evo 4.4 floorstanders and now the hugely ambitious Elysian 4.
These towers are one half of Wharfedale’s new high-end Elysian range – the other is the Elysian 2 standmounters – and were developed in tandem with the Evo series. While there are common engineering threads between these two ranges, it doesn’t take long to realise that the Elysians represent the full expression of those principles.
Standing 119cm tall and 40cm wide, the Elysian 4 are big speakers – unusually broad by current standards. They are a three-way design with a 27 x 90mm AMT (Air Motion Transformer) tweeter, 15cm midrange unit and a pair of meaty 22cm bass units. All three of the larger units use a cone made of a woven glass fibre matrix, a proprietary material that is claimed to combine low mass with high strength. In this installation, it’s also covered with a high-plasticity coating for improved damping of internal resonances.
The bass units are tuned by a downward-firing port arrangement of the type we’ve seen on a number of Wharfedale’s speakers in recent years. The port vents through a gap between the base of the main speaker cabinet and the plinth. This arrangement makes the transition from the high air pressure inside the enclosure to the low pressure of the listening room smoother and is claimed to reduce bass distortion, increase efficiency and spread the bass energy more evenly around the room. In practical terms, this makes the Elysian 4 less fussy about room placement than they otherwise might be.
The Wharfedale’s cabinet is more than just a simple wooden box. The front baffle and internal braces are made of high-density fibreboard (HDF), while the rest of the enclosure uses layered MDF and particleboard panels in a bid to control resonances. The cabinet volume is split internally so that the bass units have their own separate space to work in and don’t disturb the midrange’s operation.
The enclosure sits on widely spaced floor spikes, giving the Elysian 4 a solid and stable stance on a level surface, though oddly they can’t be adjusted and locked into position – something to note if you have uneven hard floors.
Wharfedale has finished these speakers beautifully. The towers are available in three classy-looking colour options – walnut, black and white – and covered in a deep, hand-polished piano gloss. While such a gloss finish is hardly rare, this level of quality certainly is. The gloss is wonderfully deep and luxurious, and in our experience unmatched at this level.
It comes as no surprise to find that such big speakers need a decently large space to shine. We manage to get a good balanced sound in our relatively humble listening room, but even then it’s clear that the Elysian 4 would relish more space to breathe.
We suggest starting with them at least a metre from the rear wall and as far from the sides as possible. It’s worth playing around with the amount of angling towards the listening position, too. We end up pointing the tweeters so that they cross a little behind our heads, but thanks to the AMT’s relatively even horizontal dispersion there’s enough leeway to experiment.
These are revealing speakers and any compromise with the partnering source or amplification is readily heard. That said, a sensitivity of 92dB/W/m and a nominal impedance that’s rather vaguely described as ‘8ohm compatible’ suggests that lower-powered amplifiers shouldn’t be discounted. Indeed, we get great results with Leben’s CS600X integrated amplifier, with its valve-driven circuitry and modest 28W per channel output.
The bulk of our testing is done with our reference Burmester 088/911 Mk3 pre/power combination fed by Naim’s ND555/555 PS DR music streamer and the Technics SL-1000R record player fitted with a Kiseki Purple Heart MC cartridge. While these components would typically be partnered with pricier speakers than the Wharfedale, we never feel their performance is unduly limited by the Elysian 4.
These floorstanders deliver a combination of scale, authority and dynamic punch that most (invariably smaller) price rivals can’t match. This is apparent when we play Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture; the Wharfedale’s high volume capability and impressive muscularity come to the fore. They give the music a palpable presence in our listening room and deliver a sense of power that most rivals barely hint at.
Large-scale crescendos are dispatched with confidence, the Elysians punching out sound with real venom. They can play at high volume levels without stress too, but also have the less common attribute of still sounding interesting at whisper levels. This is something to take note of if you listen late at night and don’t want to disturb the neighbours.
Those two 22cm bass drivers do just what we would expect and generate the kind of impressive low-end heft their appearance suggests, giving the presentation a wonderfully solid foundation to work from. If all this talk of muscle and physicality suggests a lack of finesse or subtlety, you’re mistaken. If anything it’s the Elysian 4’s impressively civil nature that appeals to us most.
They have the insight and delicacy to bring Ólafur Arnalds’ Found Songs album – a beloved go-to in our collection – to life. The Wharfedale’s sound is full of detail, which is organised in a natural and intuitive way. We like the way these monster floorstanders express the album’s dynamic nuances and the skill with which they communicate instrumental textures. It’s an unforced presentation that’s comfortable and easy-going without sounding bland. There’s a great deal of analysis on offer, but the musical experience always comes first.
These towers capture the album’s various moods brilliantly, making us feel sad, hopeful or peaceful depending on the track we’re playing. Only the best products manage to communicate the emotions in music this well.
Tonally, these Wharfedales are smooth and admirably refined. Feed them a bright and aggressive recording such as Bruce Springsteen’s Terry’s Song and they won’t hide the rough edges. But neither do they go out of their way to emphasise the shortcomings. That AMT tweeter is a good one: it combines resolution with smoothness, delivering the highs sweetly without lacking bite. And that’s a difficult balance to strike.
Stereo imaging is impressive, too. Like most big speakers these towers don’t quite manage to disappear within the soundstage, but they still render a nicely focused and layered image. It’s not the most intimate of presentations, but that’s not a big issue given the Wharfedale’s formidable array of strengths.
Switching between Nina Simone’s Strange Fruit, Kanye West’s Yeezus set and Debussy’s Clare De Lune, we are struck by the Elysian’s transparency. They clearly differentiate between the various recordings, their presentation shifting accordingly. It’s all overlayed with an overriding smoothness and slightly laid-back nature, but that’s easy to hear through.
As we listen, we’re taken by Simone’s passionate delivery, the way each vocal phrase cuts with hurt. The horror and drama in the song comes through without dilution, the Elysian’s clarity through the midrange making it all possible. Kanye West’s album proves these floorstanders can dance if they want to, even if it feels as though they’re a little reserved at times. Clare De Lune highlights the Elysian 4’s lovely treble performance and the way these towers track dynamic shifts so diligently. We’re hooked and have no choice but to listen right to the end, hanging on every last note as we do so.
In our view, good value doesn’t come down to how cheap something is; for us it’s about how much you get for the money. In those terms, these big Wharfedales represent excellent value. When it comes to build, engineering content and performance, they have little to fear from any rival.
Provided you have a room large enough to accommodate them, and a suitably talented system, we highly recommend you have a listen. It’s clear that Wharfedale now has another jewel in its crown.
搭配試聽的是 Quad 國都的 Artera Play+ 播放器、Artera Pre 前級和 Artera Stereo 后級。Artera Play+ 播放器是一台集中 CD 播放、藍牙接收、解碼器、前級於一身的多功能一體機,支持 DSD256 的解碼,功能非常豐富。Artera Stereo 后級採用的是 Quad 著名的電流傾注技術(current dumping),給一個功率不大的 A 類功放帶上一個大功率的 B 類輸出級,通過 B 類輸出級向 A 類功放提供大電流,在低功率輸出下以低失真的 A 類放大方式運作,到高功率輸出時,則採用效率較高的 AB 類放大運作,在 8Ω 時輸出功率可達 140W。搭配 Elysian 2 會有怎樣的聲音表現?
之前提到 EVO4.1 的低音延伸不強,中低音的截止點是清晰的,但已經足夠表達到鋼琴和低音提琴的重量感,以及前者結實、後者寬鬆地低吟的特色。 接下來是平井堅的《歌バ カ》,當中玩相位的電子音效,效果夠凸出,不但左右移動的效果明顯,連飛向前再縮後都同樣清楚,顯然是 EVO4.1 的相位表現準確之故。 此外,打心口的力量和結實程度,都是驚喜之一。加 上上文提過的收放速度,令快歌爽快有力,節奏感出色。 換成 Wilson Ng 指揮 Ensemble Omnia Hong Kong 的《Mahler:Symphony No. 1 for chamber ensemble》,場面其實不成問題,定位十分清晰,樂 器音色變化也難不到 EVO4.1, 只是大鼓的力量有限,而第四樂章開首及收結部分不是十分澎湃,但以這款小書架的體 積,這絕對不是缺點。