Spendor S3/5R2黑檀木特別限量版

要數音響界書架式楊聲器的經典中之經典!英國 LS3/5a 絕對是 當之無愧。這款其貌不揚的小書架揚聲器原本由兩名 BBC 錄音工程師設計而成,他們將錄音室的收音標準到重播時的標準統一並納人到揚聲器設引之內,而其他揚聲器生產商無論以任何物料製作產品都必須要符合 BBC 工程師所制定的標準才算合格,從然得到 BBC 認証生產 LS3/5a。當然,要達至 BBC 的嚴格要求,最簡單的方法就是選擇原始設計時的單元、箱體物料、 阻尼物·接線等等。不過亦正因為原單元供應商 KEF 停產了該單元, 各廠商唯一的出路就是要另實單花來完成製作,各施各法在LS3/5a 的規格上變奏出符合標準而又截然不同的新型書架式揚聲器。

緊貼時代 推陳出新
在眾多 LS3/5a 揚聲器製造商之中。英國 Spendor 可說是其中一所極養活躍的廠家,由早期獲得 BBC 認可直至一九九七年 KEF 停止供應相關單元為止。為了延續 這款經典揚聲器,Spendor 決定自行製作單元部分,並按照 LS3/5a 的同一設計概念,沿用兩路雙單元的小型書架箱體標準,結合 Spendor 單元製作成新代書架式 揚聲器:S3/5。

事實上,新世代音頻標準不段提升,要迎合嶄新的數碼音源重播,揚聲器單元的設計定必需要作出調整,以符合不斷提升的音響重播標準,為 LS3/5a 注入新元素也是情理之內的,而當年的 S3/5 甫推出市場便大受歡迎, 證明 Spendor 的方針完全正確,用戶對這類優質小型書架式揚聲器的需求極度殷切!然後,廠方 不久又再推出 S3/5SE 版本以饗用家;直到 2002 年,Spendor 首次為這款小霄架喇叭加以改良,並按照 BBC 監聽喇叭的命名方法將 S3/5 新版定名為 S3/5a。 而到了S3/5推出十周年即 2007 年,廠方再一次將 S3/5a 改良並將型號定為 S3/5R。到了 2010 年,Spendor 將版本再一次升級,脫變成第四代型號 S3/5R2。

20 年技術完美提煉
2017年,正是 S3/5 面世 20 周年,Spendor 再一次延續傳奇,以 S3/5R2 作為基礎推出 Special Edition 特別版,新版本選用了頂級黑檀木面製作,亦基於罕有,此一版本亦只能以特別限量形式推出;專為 Spendor 的支持者而投產,將產品二十年的完美進化技術獻給鍾情於 S3/5R2 的用戶及收藏家。

Spendor S3/5R2 黑檀木特別版是款兩路兩單元書架式揚聲器,其保持了過往所有S3/5 的一貫音樂味及討好的音色,並且在高,低頻延伸、動態、功率包容性、通透度、音樂連貫性等各方面都有著顯注改良,插放音樂的平衡度上更顯自然流暢。

S3/5R2 黑壇木特別版的箱體沿用最經典的設計,選用最新的 Spendor 15cm 中/低音驅動單元及經典寬邊半球型高音單元,中/低音以鑄造合金支架解決內部散熱問題,配合長沖程單元振膜達至最理想的中低頻表現。電腦設計精良箱體以 Spendor 獨門厚薄不一設計,每個不同厚度都是為了得到最優良的共嗚效應,同時並能杜絕箱 體物料的共振現象,讓聲音更動聽、要逼真,

轉載自 “影音生活” 76 期

將經典進行到底 – 試聽 Spendor S3/5R2 SE 黑檀木特別限量版書架音箱

由香港駿韻音響代理的英國思奔達品牌創建於1960年代,至今已有50多年歷史。品牌的英文名稱 Spendor 源於兩位創始人Spencer Hughes 和 Dorothy Hughes(Spencer的妻子)姓名的組合。Spencer 先生曾擔任英國 BBC 公司的音響工程師,憑借此間經驗,他制作出平生第一款音箱 BC1,這款被譽為 “改變了游戲規則(game-changing)” 的音箱,具有聲音通透、自然中正、音樂性佳的優異性能,旋即被全球各大廣播電台和錄音師選為監聽音箱,由此開創了思奔達品牌的光榮歷史,也奠定了思奔達作為“英國聲”代表的先驅地位。

本文評測的思奔達S3/5R2 SE是該品牌經典傳奇的延續


本次試聽的思奔達(Spendor)S3/5R2 SE 黑檀木特別限量版書架音箱,其歷史可謂源遠流長。看到“3/5”這個數字,稍有經驗的朋友都知道它代表的是 BBC 一代監聽名箱 LS3/5A,其中的 “3/5” 表示該類型音箱的箱內容積是 3/5 公升,“A” 表示為改良型號。正是Spencer及其合作伙伴確定了 BBC 監聽音箱的聲音風格,而思奔達順理成章地成為了這一市場先行者,並且直到現在一直是正統 BBC 監聽音箱的守護人。

思奔達 S3/5R2 SE 的老前輩是1997年該品牌發布的S3/5音箱,當時由於 KEF 停止供應 LS 3/5A 音箱的相關喇叭單元,思奔達改用自家研發的的發聲單元,遵循 LS 3/5A 監聽音箱的理念和標准,推出了 S3/5:
●再之后又更新設計,推出了思奔達 S3/5 SE。
●2017年,迎來這個傳奇揚聲器家族的第20個年頭,思奔達特別推出這款特別限量版S3/5R2 SE音箱。

Spendor 第一代的S3/5音箱
Spendor S3/5R2(它是本次試聽的S3/5R2 SE音箱的上一代)

一款音箱能夠綿延20年經久不衰,而且傳承有序,足見思奔達作為 “BBC 監聽音箱守護人” 的不忘初心。而其背后則是眾多知名錄音室、專業人士和廣大發燒友對這款經典音箱的一路不舍和追捧。

綿延20年的思奔達經典音箱最新款:S3/5R2 SE黑檀木特別限量版

在思奔達50多年的發展中,推出了諸如 BC1、LS 3/5A、SP100 等眾多經典音箱。經過不斷改型和更新換代后,如今思奔達採用三個系列對其產品進行歸納,分別是:A系列(包括A1、A2、A4 三個型號)、D系列(包括D1、D7和D9三個型號)以及Classic(經典)系列。其中當屬Classic(經典)系列最能代表思奔達的品牌基因和聲音個性,而這個系列也是它產品型號最豐富的,一共六個型號。HIFI說此次試聽的S3/5R2 SE音箱是這個系列中個頭最小的一款。如下圖所示:

二、思奔達 S3/5R2 SE音箱新在哪兒?

在中國總代理駿韻音響發布的新廣告上,這款音箱的全稱是“思奔達 S3/5R2 SE 黑檀木特別限量版”,先不說別的,可以看出“黑檀木”是這款音箱的特色和賣點之一,嚴格說來它用到的是具有相當厚度的黑檀木片,而不是常見的木皮或者木紙,觸覺可以感到音箱木質表面的凸凹紋理,質感、檔次和視覺美學遠勝於普通版的同類音箱,給你先聲奪人的第一眼好感。實際上,思奔達在2003年就推出過 S3/5 SE黑檀木特別版,當時一共生產了200對很快售罄,此后不少新舊顧客不斷要求廠方再次推出這類特別型號產品,但基於限量原則以及原材料的短缺一直沒能滿足。相信這次S3/5R2 SE限量版仍然會是緊俏品,出手慢的用戶要等到下次至少還需10年。


除了特別選擇的黑檀木片,S3/5R2 SE 的箱體設計和制作依然延續了思奔達的工匠精神,它的箱體經過電腦的精確模擬設計,箱壁並不是完全等厚,而是恰當的厚薄不一,其目的是為了得到更接近真實樂器的共鳴效應。

思奔達 S3/5R2 SE是一款典型思奔達風格的兩分頻兩單元書架箱,與 LS3/5A 一樣是密封式箱體,這種箱體類型無需考慮離牆遠近等擺位顧慮,使得擺放非常靈活和方便,更加適合在臥室、書房、小型客廳等較小空間裡使用。

與前代版本 S3/5R2 音箱相比,這款特別限量版音箱在喇叭單元和分頻器設計上均有變化。中低音單元方面,前代產品 S3/5R2 採用的是直徑140mm 的 EP39,而S3/5R2 SE 採用了思奔達獨有的150mm 的 EP77 長沖程錐盆,口徑更大,配合寬懸邊、錐盆中央的相位錐以及高效率散熱的鑄造合金盆架。

相比前代產品,S3/5R2 SE中低音單元口徑更大性能更優

S3/5R2 SE 的高音單元仍然採用了思奔達經典的液磁冷卻球頂振膜,口徑為 22毫米,寬懸邊設計。根據高音單元和中低音單元理想的工作狀況,思奔達對這款限量版音箱的分頻器進行了重新設計,將分頻點定在4.2kHz(前代產品S3/5R2為5kHz),使得 S3/5R2 SE 效率更高,靈敏度提升到 86dB(前代產品 S3/5R2 為84dB),低頻范圍也由前代產品的 75Hz下潛到了 70Hz。

從上面介紹可以看出,從箱體到喇叭單元和分頻器,思奔達針對S3/5R2 SE都進行了優化設計,可以說是“換湯又換藥”,絕對不是那種打著限量特別版的名義兜售老產品的做法,其背后宗旨依然是遵循聲學科技的進展、以及當代用戶的口味變化,通過精益求精的設計讓經典產品成為新的經典。


本次試聽在廣州新地影音進行,店門位於廣州市越秀區大沙頭路海印廣場A035,它除了代理思奔達品牌,還是力仕(Luxman)、寶華韋健(B & W)、加利(Cary Audio)、朗泉(Creek Audio)、君子(REGA)等多個國際知名品牌的正規代理商。

試聽室的面積約有20平方米,搭配的是Creek(朗泉)Evolution 100 CD 播放機和Evolution 100A 合並式功放。對於S3/5R2 SE這樣的小型書架箱,買家多數會用於書房、臥室等小型聆聽空間,這樣的搭配無論是價位還是方便程度還都是相宜而簡潔的。

思奔達 S3/5R2 SE音箱的聲音表現給筆者的第一個印象是良好的通透感。無論是播放人聲、流行歌曲還是小編制樂曲等,音樂透明晴朗,節奏清晰,動態反應敏銳輕靈,彷佛在月明風清的晚上,空氣中毫無雜染。重播 Jerome Harris 爵士樂專輯《Rendezvous》中的 “The Mooche” 一曲時,其中的 solo 樂段精致優雅,音樂氣息纖細微小而不失韻味,樂句尾音的消失也刻畫得柔滑細膩。S3/5R2 SE 的聲底依然是思奔達好聽、耐聽、音樂性極佳的韻味,聲音通透但不蒼白,清朗而富有溫潤,人聲和樂器聲質感真實。不像一些現代派監聽音箱由於過分追求聲音通透而喪失了音樂韻味。

思奔達 S3/5R2 SE音箱給人的第二個感覺是聲音鮮活細致,試聽 Dorian 的專輯《Tribute to Sarasata》可以感到小提琴聲在真實之外更有一份細膩鮮活的特質,音樂線條優美流暢,思奔達改進后的喇叭單元顯得更為靈敏,可以把小提琴擦弦最細微的聲音都表現了出來。拉到小提琴較低把位時琴弦的共鳴更加真實過癮,這得益於 S3/5R2 SE 更大的中低音單元和寬懸邊設計。音樂中鋼琴的琴音相當豐富,規模感宏大,而且三頻的銜接順滑,聲音風格具有高度完美的一致性。當然,對於這樣一對緊湊尺寸的書架箱,你不可能過於苛求它的低頻量感,但是在聆聽人聲、弦樂、小編制樂曲時,你絲毫不會感到低頻的缺失,倒是讓人驚訝於它低頻的優雅質感和鮮活沖擊力,整體音樂的極小極大動態范圍表現得很完整,沒有被壓縮的感覺,這恐怕要歸功於思奔達針對喇叭單元的分頻器重新設計以及厚薄得當的箱體結構。

總體來說,S3/5R2 SE 音箱給人的感覺在保留了監聽名箱 LS3/5A 的靈魂之外,更加完善了針對現代用家的聆聽需求,比如更高的解析力,大動態音樂的適應能力以及更多的高品質低頻量感。可以說,它既具有古典音箱溫潤而甜美的聲音特質,又具有現代音箱的分析力與動態,高音純正甜美,中低音飽滿豐盈,音樂美感十足。此外,它小巧而不佔地方,密封式箱體的箱體類型讓您的較小聆聽空間內的擺位異常靈活。如果您考慮在小面積客廳、書房或者臥室購置一套HiFi系統,S3/5R2 SE音箱稱得上物超所值的理想選擇。別忘了,它可是最經典英國名箱的限量供應,而且正如思奔達的設計追求:我們的音箱是可以讓您用一輩子的!

轉載自:HIFI說 2018年1月肇綱評測

Spendor D9 Loudspeaker – HiFi+


Spendor may be one of the oldest (and most respected) names in the UK audio industry, but since its acquisition by Philip Swift (once of Audiolab) its products have been anything but old-fashioned. Admittedly, the Classic Series products look the ‘pipe and slippers’ part -all nostalgic finishes and appearance – but even here, beneath the skin these venerable designs have benefitted from carefully considered upgrades and technological improvements – developments that have filtered down directly from the unmistakably modern A- and D-Line products, whose slim cabinets are themselves anything but The-too’ versions of modern thinking, You don’t have to look too far before you find the evidence that Spender may build on the solid foundations that made speakers like the BC1 world famous, but it is only too ready to invest in modern technology and investigate practical solutions to modern concerns, The A6R, a slim, floorstanding two-way that looks remarkably conventional is anything but, at least in musical terms. Instead it manages to offer all the advantages of two-way operation in a compact enclosure that (in stark contrast to the competition) doesn’t sing along with the music. Then there’s the D1, a compact standmount of such remarkable musical coherence that it’s capable of challenging all those high-end miniatures that cost many, many times its modest price. And that’s the thing: it’s not just what these speakers do (which is impressive enough), but how they do it for the price that is the burning question, The arrival of the D9, a new flagship for the line, neatly encapsulates current thinking at Spendor, offering the opportunity to dig a little deeper into what makes these products not just perform, but exceed expectations.

Outwardly at least, there’s little to separate the D9 from the other tall. slim floorstanders lining the walls of your local dealer’s showroom. Narrow, deep cabinet – check: Plinth base – check: Vertical array of multiple drivers – check. But examine the detail and the differences soon start to emerge. Even a cursory glance suggests that there’s something different about the tweeter, while the plinth base barely extends beyond the cabinet footprint itself. Meanwhile a look round the back shows a complex port arrangement that’s a world away from the simple drainage pipes of yore. Look at the numbers and you’ll see that Spender suggest an in-room bandwidth that goes as low as 27Hz – not in itself unusual, but difficult to do well from a cabinet this size. Most speakers claiming that sort of extension achieve it at the expense of lumpy, uneven, and often one-note bass. Yet listen to the D9 and the first thing that strikes you is its clear and linear bass output. The bottom end of this speaker goes lower than you expect (suggesting that 27Hz figure is a lot less fanciful than some manufacturers’ numbers), but it’s also articulate, tuneful, and agile, with no overhang and no thickness to clutter and smudge the midrange.

To understand why that is, it’s necessary to dig a little deeper and take a look at the D9’s constituent elements – and what’s been done with them. The 180mm Kevlar-coned bass drivers were developed specifically for the 09, their physical and electrical characteristics tuned specifically to match the requirements of the bass enclosure. So what we have here is a bass system, in which the various parts are designed in tandem to create a coherent whole. That’s not unique, but it’s the rest of the box that makes the D9 stand out from the crowd, both in terms of what’s in it and how it sounds. The box itself is constructed from specially selected HDF, and the walls are thinner than those on much of the competition. Instead, resonance in the structure is dealt with by strategically sited low-mass resonators, small, constrained layer slabs placed at vibrational nodes to absorb energy and dissipate it as heat. The result is a cabinet structure that’s both better behaved and stores significantly less energy than conventional constructions. Add to that the lack of internal wadding and the use of Spender’s Linear Flow port technology, and you have an incredibly quiet cabinet that prevents stored energy belatedly finding its way back into the enclosed air-mass to muddy the output and limits spurious output from the port itself polluting the room.

With all that attention paid to low-frequency linearity (and it’s a lot easier to describe than it is to achieve) you might well think that Spender would want to provide the most stable footing possible – and you’d be right. So what’s with the diminutive plinth that barely extends beyond the cabinet edges? Look underneath and you’ll find that each corner of the solid plinth is supported on a substantial steel disc, 45mm in diameter. On the outer edge of each disc is the threaded hole for the M8 spike. It’s an arrangement that combines a narrower plinth with the wider footprint associated with much more obtrusive structures, a happy match of aesthetic, domestic, and mechanical requirements. The discs deliver a strong, stable, precision coupling of spike to cabinet, making for easy attitude adjustment and good energy transfer. Best of all, the mechanical stability allows the use of nice, long spikes, which allow easy adjustment in the crucial vertical dimension. The end result is both more discrete and more effective than many far more obvious (for which read ‘ugly’ or “intrusive’) arrangements.

At the other end of the range, we find Spendor’s innovative LPZ tweeter. This soft dome, coupled-cavity driver is familiar from both the D1 and D7, but it should still be noted just how effective and musically accomplished this apparently simple design really is. The perforated face plate acts to equalize phase and pressure across the face of the driver, producing time- and phase-coherent output, while the equivalent cavities in front of and behind the diaphragm means that the moving parts constitute a linear, balanced-mode generator: simple but effective.

Of course, all that effort expended on the cabinet, bottom end, and high-frequencies is wasted if the midrange isn’t up to it. But then, mid-band has always been a Spender speciality and the 180mm midrange driver with its in-house EP77 polymer cone won’t disappoint. The inherent self-damping and even mechanical behaviour of the driver allows it to be used with shallow crossover slopes that lead in turn to an easy impedance characteristic — meaning that you are going to get the best out of your amp, too. Like everything else, the crossover components are carefully selected, as is the internal wiring and the single-wired terminals. And in many ways, that’s the basis of the Spendor story: there’s a clarity of vision, fastened on the rigid, low-storage cabinet and in-house drivers, but the other side of the coin is the attention to detail that’s been lavished on everything from the port to the spikes, the product’s domestic impact to its packaging. It’s a long and rocky road between an initial design and a viable end product. Look at the D9 – or any other Spendor product – and what becomes obvious is that somewhere in the factory, there’s a large sign that reads “No Short Cuts”. It’s a philosophy that becomes even more apparent once you listen to this speaker.

“The D9’s deep, linear bass is remarkably well behaved a factor that can easily lull you into a false sense of security.”


The D9’s deep, linear bass is remarkably well behaved – a factor that can easily lull you into a false sense of security. Put it down almost anywhere and it will sound pretty good – but it won’t sound as good as it can after some time spent on optimising position and attitude. Once you’ve found the right spot, make sure that you level the speaker and then experiment with its height from the floor, using the spikes to lift or lower it. If you start with the spikes set tall and position it with them set that way, lowering the cabinet closer to the floor will bring added weight and dimensionality without any compromise of pace, pitch, or clarity. Once you’ve done that, it’s worth checking rake angle and lateral tilt, as both can have a significant impact on the music’s sense of presence and purpose.

Although their easy load characteristics mean that the D9s don’t demand supremely capable amplification, their performance certainly deserves it. Run with amps as varied as the latest TEAD Linear Bs, the VTL S400-11, or the Levinson 585, the speakers responded with enthusiasm to the character and quality of the signal they received. The astonishing clarity and innate sense of musical organisation that makes the Linear Bs so special was well to the fore, as was the S400’s presence, body, and dynamic authority. But of these options perhaps the 585 is the D9s natural partner, both in terms of cost and capability. In fact, just like the similarly priced Vienna Acoustics Liszt, these are speakers crying out to be hung on the end of today’s super integrated amps, whether that amp is the 585, the Neodio Origine A2, the Gryphon Diablo 120, or even a Lavardin IS Reference. The 09 might not match the sheer scale and bandwidth of the Liszt (even though they are virtually identical on paper) but it is a far more friendly load – which is where the little Lavardin promises to be such an interesting match.

With so many stellar new entries in the 210K speaker stakes, the 09 is going to have to carve its own niche. It does so by doing what Spendors do. Play something quick and clean, like Eleanor McEvoy’s Yoke [Moscodisc], with its crisp dynamics and surprisingly deep bass and the D9s don’t disappoint. The bottom end is deft and sure-footed, with plenty of instrumental character, rhythm, and definition, pushing things along at just the rignt pace; tight enough to be interesting without sounding hectoring or driven. Melodies and phrasing are articulate and the vocals – oh, the vocals: intimate. affecting, direct, and communicative, those vocals make this a captivating and addictive listen, one of those speakers where you set out to play a track and end up playing the whole side. Work up to larger scale works and the 09 might lack the expansive palpable acoustic space thrown by the Liszt or Wilson Sabrina, as well as the unburstably enthusiastic dynamics of the Sopra 2, but it more than makes up for those deficiencies through its sense of integration and musical integrity. Everything just slots in around that natural, expressive mid-band, underpinning voices and solo instruments with an unforced sense of musical shape and context. Did I mention the tweeter? No – that’s because you just don’t notice it, at least not as a separate entity. It’s simply a beautifully integrated extension of that open and intimate midrange. From this it might be easy to assume that the 09 is a beautifully balanced but fatally polite offering: nothing could be further from the truth. You want rude the D9 can be positively bawdy when required. It just doesn’t make an unwelcome habit of it.

Put those attributes together and what you have on the one hand is a classic British speaker, pace, rhythm, and timing all present and correct. On the other – you have a classic British speaker, tonally neutral, linear, and musically coherent. In a very real sense the 09 combines the two great traditions of UK speaker design, without diminishing either. It delivers the superbly open and communicative mid-band of a model like the D1, but succeeds in grafting on a bottom end that is as impressive as it is effective. Does that mean you can have your cake and eat it? Yes it does – and you can enjoy it with a surprisingly wide range of partnering amps too. In fact, the D9 is so system and room friendly that in many cases it might well be the best speaker you’ve ever heard, especially at the price – simply because it works more readily than the competition, With elegant lines to match its thoughtful engineering, and a range of attractive finishes, both modern and traditional, to match its room friendly bass voicing, the D9 really hits the sweet spot of attainable price, achievable performance, and acceptable domestic impact. Indeed, it’s so unmistakably English and so precisely suited to the English market that it probably needs a passport to travel. But when it arrives, I suspect it’s going to shake up more than a few of the locals. Tall, slim, and innately understated, this English gentleman might not shout, but the message is still delivered with purpose, clarity and where necessary, definite intent, A superbly balanced and beautifully judged design, this is the best Spendor yet – and that’s no mean feat.


Type: Three-way rear-reflex loaded loudspeaker
Driver Complement: 2x 180mm Kevlar coned LF, 1x 180mm EP77 polymer MF, 1x 22mm Spendor LPZ HF
Bandwidth: 27Hz-25kHz ±3dB in-room
Sensitivity: 90dB
Load: 8 Ohms
Weight: 35kg ea.
Dimensions (WxHxD): 222 x 1125 x 409mm
Finishes: Natural wood veneers, satin white, Spendor dark high gloss or slate grey high gloss
Price: £8.500 per pair
Manufacturer: Spendor Audio Systems Ltd.

From HiFi+ Issue 151 Sep 2017 by Roy Gregory

為你亮起小黃燈 LUXMAN D-380CD 播放機 LX-380 合並膽機 SPENDOR 3/5R2 SE 書架箱組合


帥哥美女相互吸引的條件無非始於顏值,那才華呢?那是終一生才能細細品嘗的。其實我們選購 Hi-Fi 器材又何嘗不是如此呢?很多器材讓人一見傾心,未聞聲已經印象分滿滿了。就如這次試聽的這套 D-380 CD 機與 LX-380 合並膽機組合,是日本 LUXMAN 力仕為紀念建廠90周年(1925-2015) 推出的 Classic 經典系列的新產品。其復古、典雅的原木外殼機箱,光造型就已經迷倒一眾音響迷。不知道大家是否有同感,其實懷舊是一種情懷,很多稍有點資歷的音響迷的審美觀都傾向於復古、傳統一類,尤其對於經典的造型更是情有獨鐘,至少我就是如此,看見橫平豎直的線條,醇厚的木質感色彩就會由衷產生好感。在音響領域耕耘 90 余載的LUXMAN 當然知曉這個元素,他們發展的黃金時期是上世紀 60-80 年代,D-380 與 LX-380 就是源於那個時期的經典造型。而同為經典系列中,還有採用 300B 的MQ-300 后級、採用 KT88 推挽設計的 MQ-88u 后級、旗艦級的 CL-38u 膽前級、晶體管合並功放 L-305 和 D-30u CD 機。

然而內涵呢?外觀雖然復古,但生於現代的 D-380 與 LX-380 自然無法完全復刻以往的產品,比如 CD 是近代數碼音源的產物,而升頻技術更是數字音頻發展的趨勢,除此之外,D-380 卻提供了晶體管和電子管輸出選擇,盡最大的可能融合現代與傳統的精粹。在今年(2017)年中的香港音響展上,總裁社長 Teruyoshi Kawakami 川上晃義先生更是在展會現場發布會上隆重推薦了 LUXMAN 近期眾多新產品,其中就包括了 LX-380 合並功放。

和 D-380 相似,LX-380 的設計理念也遵循復古與現代的結合,其每聲道採用兩隻6L6GC 輸出20W,在總體架構上就是傳統的電子管功放。但卻是首次在膽機中採用源於 L-590AX 的 LECUA 電子音量控制線路,避免傳統電位器的損耗和一致性問題。從這一點,就可見 LUXMAN 是用盡一切廠方先進技術,希望為傳統膽機融入更多新理念,發揮出更佳音質。同時,LX-380 具備前后級輸出/入端子,可方便組件周邊器材提升搭配適應性。並具有耳機輸出口,方便耳機玩家的需求。另外還具有 MM/MC 對應的唱頭放大線路,黑膠玩家可直接搭配唱盤使用,比如 LUXMAN自家的 PD-171A。曾採訪過 LUXMAN 現任副社長末吉達哉先生,他表示 LUXMAN 今年穩健發展,所有 Hi-Fi 產品嚴選高音質元件,整機提供三年原廠保養(電子管一年),並且,LUXMAN 積極在創新領域發展,比如近年積極開拓 DAC和耳放市場,以滿足更多年輕音響迷的需求,現在,LUXMAN 已經是日本國內高級音響品牌最暢銷三甲之列。

D-380 ●使用電子管:ECC82 ●模擬輸出端子:RCA×1 ●數字輸出端子:光纖、同軸各一 ●輸出阻抗:300Ω ●信噪比:115dB ●體積(WHD):440×167×286mm ●重量:10.8kg

專注於CD 播放
D-380採用木制外殼配上鋁制面板,充滿古典與雅致的風格,面板上部有一道橫向貫穿的凹槽,在其上除了左側的電源開關,還有靠右側的兩個小孔,一個是電子管輸出指示燈,點亮時一圈橙色燈光顯得柔和精致,而右側的則是遙控接收窗。D-380 面板上另外兩處亮睛點,一是在於碟倉和右側的顯示屏之間,可見橫臥著一支電子管,這種設計在 80-90 年代 LUXMAN 的產品上都可覓得蹤跡。這枚斯洛伐克 JJ Electronic 生產的型號為 ECC82(12AU7) 的雙三極電子管,採用陰極輸出線路,為D-380提供更具韻味的模擬音樂信號;二是這枚電子管的下方有一個小小的切換開關,用以選擇晶體管輸出或者電子管輸出。
而D-380 其實是一款純粹的 CD 播放器,隻設一組 RCA 立體聲模擬輸出,以及兩組數碼輸出(同軸、光纖,可手動關閉),沒有配備時下流行的 USB、串流等功能,加上可以放大字體的點陣式顯示器,即使距離較遠都可清楚看見播放信息。廠方資料顯示,D-380 的轉盤安裝在底板8mm厚的鋁板上,以降低重心及增加結構強度,避免諧振對拾訊的影響。D/A 解碼芯片採用一片TI 德州儀器 PCM5102A, 具有 32Bit/384kHz 的高精度處理能力,並設有兩組數碼濾波供玩家選擇。而機內的訊號路徑接線為 OFC 無氧銅導體,PCB線路板線路彎位採用圓弧形,如此細致周詳的設計,完全在於 LUXMAN 對任何可能改善音質的因素都費心考証的結果。

LX-380 ●輸出功率:18W×2(8Ω)、20W×2(6Ω) ● 輸入靈敏度/ 阻抗:380μV/100Ω(phono MC)、3mV/47kΩ(phono MM)、180mV/47kΩ (非平衡) ●使用電子管:ECC82×3、6L6GC×4 ●體積(WHD):440×197×403mm ●重量:17.6kg ●接線端子:唱頭輸入1 路(MM/MC 可切換)、 RCA 高電平線路輸入共4 組、磁帶輸入/ 輸出1 組、 Pre out/main in 端子1 組

初次見到 LX-380 時, 其與 D-380 幾乎無異的原木制機箱設計,若不是頂板后半截留出了散熱孔,很難想象它是一款膽機。相比較 D-380,LX-380 的面板設計復古氣息更為濃烈,在功能上 LX-380 維持了日系功放真正的合並機豐富的功能,比如面板左側的4個旋鈕音調控制,可選擇 150/300/600 中低頻,及 1.5k/3k/6k 等頻率控制高、低頻的增益與衰減;比如面板中間的 5 個大型撥杆開關可切換直接輸出、等響度開關、超低頻濾波開關、單聲道/ 立體聲輸出、唱頭 MM/MC 切換等等;同時,面板中間還具有 6.3mm 耳機輸出插孔,提供高素質的耳放輸出。面板的右側,則提供訊源輸入切換、喇叭輸出組切換、監聽模式、左右平衡和音量控制等功能。LX-380 的豐富功能相對於現代追求簡約設計的理念可謂背道而馳,但無可否認這確實日系產品的傳統。其實豐富的功能也並非雞肋,有助用家根據自己的空間環境和搭配調整出最佳的效果,而且日系產品的可靠性還是值得信賴的。轉到背板上,可見 LX-380 同樣採用傳統的設計,僅具有模擬接口,而沒有配備時下流行的數字接口。比如 Phono 唱頭放大輸入一組,通過面板切換 MM/MC;高電平RCA 輸入 4 組;錄音輸入和監聽輸出各一組;前級輸出和后級輸入各一組,完全能滿足音響迷對與合並功放的各種應用。而喇叭線輸出則提供了 A/B 兩組,通過面板的切換旋鈕可選擇任一組輸出或者兩組一起輸出。對了,很多膽機都提供不同阻抗匹配的輸出,而 LUXMAN 在採用全耦合式輸出變壓器,因此能自動適應 4-16Ω  的音箱阻抗,使用上更顯方便。

內部結構上,LX-380 為前后級純電子管信號放大設計,前級及驅動級採用三支ECC82小管,輸出級採用四支 6L6GC,每聲道兩支推挽輸出 18W(8Ω)、20W(6Ω) 功率。膽機一直是 LUXMAN 的專長,尤其是輸出牛,早在五十年代,他們就曾經推出名為OY-15的輸出變壓器,並取得理想的銷售數字。及后更注冊了一些真空管線路的專利技術,例如無負回輸線路等等。在音量控制方面,LX-380 不計成本地採用了廠方專利的 LECUA(Luxman Electric Controled Ultimate Attenuator) 電子電位器音量控制技術,採用模擬的方式88級控制,信號僅經過單一隻電阻分流,借著啟動FET開關而非接觸模式,並且應用高性能光速斷流器得到杰出的無噪音轉換,從而避免傳統電位器產生的耐用性、誤差和噪音等問題。這項技術的優點:1、出色的信噪比;2、極低的失真;3、對頻響無任何影響,對音質無任何影響;4、左右聲道的差異最小化;5、左右聲道的串擾極低。

經驗告訴我們,LUXMAN 器材的聲音風格並非單純日系風的高分析力、快速瞬態響應,在此基礎上更融入了美式風格的厚暖從容感,其實這些聲音元素並不矛盾的,至少在 LUXMAN 身上,我們覺得是魚與熊掌而兼得的。尤其是當 LUXMAN 搭配來自英國著名音箱老品牌SPENDOR思奔達的時候,那厚潤的音色加上並不慢的速度和不俗的分析力,甚至讓人覺得不敢相信面前的音箱是英國的傳統老牌。比如我曾在音響展上聽過代理商用 LUXMAN 的純 A 類合並機 L-590AX Ⅱ 驅動SPENDOR 的 SP100R2 書架箱,既然可在近百平方的開放空間中播放敲擊樂,那動態、能量和密度都令人驚訝。或許現代的SPENDOR聲音風格也與時俱進了,比如面前搭配 D-380/LX-380 的這款 Classic R2 完美經典系列的 3/5R2SE(Special Edition)小書架箱也與LUXMAN碰撞出精彩的火花。

其實以身價論門當戶對,D-380 與 LX-380 組合更適合和大一號甚至兩號的音箱搭配的,比如 SP3/1R2SE 或者 SP2/3R2,那樣子滿足 30 平方左右的聆聽面積需求也毫無壓力。追本溯源,其實3/5R2 SE的前身是從 1997 年 KEF 停產 LS3/5a 相關喇叭單元時,SPENDOR推出的替代型號 S3/5。在多年多次的進化中,誕生過S3/5a、S3/5R、S3/5R2 等型號, 而 3/5R2 SE 是 S3/5R2 的進化版,除了箱體大小一致之外,其實改進是天翻地覆的,比如中低音單元就從 140mm EP39 改換為全新研發的 150mm EP77, 採用 Polymer 聚合物振膜,令低頻延伸從 75Hz 提升到70Hz(±3dB)。分頻點從 5kHz 下降到 4.1kHz,從而減輕了高音單元的負擔。振膜中央的防塵罩也改為“子彈頭”式相位錐,目的是改善中頻的擴散性,令音箱的指向性更寬闊,改善“皇帝位”的甜點范圍。搭配 22mm 寬環邊軟球頂振膜高音單元,也帶來更好的高頻細節和泛音表現。靈敏度也從 84dB 提升到 86dB,因此對功放的要求也更寬鬆一些。這一系列的性能改進,令3/5R2 SE 的聲音表現更全面,動態更大,密度更好,也更易驅動。另一方面,3/5R2 SE 採用黑檀木外飾皮,無論觀感上的高貴氣質,已經和 LUXMAN 組合木制機箱的搭配,都更和諧協調。3/5R2 SE 的另一個設計特點在於延續了 LS3/5a 的傳統,箱體採用密閉式設計,因此相比倒相設計的音箱,低音的延伸稍有不如卻換來更快的響應速度。而靈敏度也稍低卻有更好的聲音連貫性。另一方面,3/5R2 SE 並沒有採用雙線分音輸入方式,可見廠方對自家分頻器設計充滿自信。

多次聆聽過 LUXMAN 和 SPENDOR 的組合, 都能感覺到這兩個品牌的聲音風格是相融的,LUXMAN 的厚和潤的音色,更在這套電子管組合 D-380、LX-380 中呈現得淋漓盡致。在試聽期間,我多次切換對比 D-380 的晶體管及電子管輸出,發現電子管輸出的寧靜度與分析力相比晶體管輸出幾乎沒有區別,而音色更柔美甜潤,重播人聲的情感更細膩、重播弦樂的質感更纏綿,泛音也更悠長,暖暖的調子令音樂更動聽。顯然,LUXMAN 和 SPENDOR 的搭配不是中性的監聽風格,而是融入了更多人文色彩和兩個品牌對聲音美學追求的染色,因此總能呈現出一種獨特的音色誘惑力,這是一種令人意想不到的聲音密度感,讓人無法相信功放的輸出功率僅有18W(8Ω),而音箱的低音僅有5.5吋。
當然了,我們要很清楚認識到 LX-380 和 3/5R2 SE 還是會受物理限制局限,不可能重播出洶涌澎湃的超低頻,但對於絕大部分音樂而言,尤其是超低音成分本來就不多的古典音樂,3/5R2 SE 的低頻延伸和中低頻的能量感已經足夠應付苛刻的要求了。即使是試聽時播放一些類型的敲擊樂,也不會顯得捉襟見肘,比如選擇《非洲之聲》的《Swing Rhythm搖擺節奏》,LUXMAN 與 SPENDOR 組合能把這段有著濃烈的非洲打擊樂風情的原始音樂,顯現出非洲音樂強調清晰明快的節奏特質,抑揚頓挫的動態起伏響應和敲擊力度,音場中交織出萬花筒般的效果。但在重播《鼓動紅塵》的“牛斗虎”中,面對兩面大鼓的對奏,小系統超低頻的缺點就暴露出來了。但即使如此,我們也僅是無法感受大鼓的真實規模形態而已,在可重播的頻響范圍內,鼓聲敲擊的扎實感和形體感、音場中雜聲等細節依然是歷歷在目,毫不含糊的。而且,3/5R2 SE 音箱的 5.5 吋中低音單元承受能力確實不俗,即使一再把LX-380 的音量加大,在二十平方的環境中,鼓聲也是扎實有力的,絲毫不會像很多小系統那樣鬆散發虛,從而能証明 LUXMAN 膽機有著不俗的驅動力。

換上 Jheena Lodwick 珍娜演唱的《You Raise Me Up 你鼓舞了我》,試試這套膽機驅動小書架箱組合重播人聲的效果。理論上這套組合重播的人聲可有極高水准,事實上也是如此,我曾採訪過某著名音箱設計師,他說要重播好人聲,就該選擇人頭大小的音箱,3/5R2 SE恰恰就是極具代表性的作品,而LX-380所用的6L6 電子管也同樣以超卓的中頻韻味著稱於世。預設,這套組合重播的人聲溫潤感情豐富,音質細膩飽滿,用網絡潮語說就是:“毒”,令人全身酥軟,無法抵御的“毒”。
重播人聲如此美妙的 LUXMAN 和 SPENDOR 組合,重播弦樂又如何呢? 放上一張《Return To Live Concert Hall》中的門德爾鬆 D 大調大提琴奏鳴曲,作品2號,俗語說中頻好的系統聽什麼都不會差,這話果然沒錯,雖然 LX-380 僅有 18W 輸出,3/5R2 SE 音箱也僅如鞋盒版大小,但所重播的大提琴卻有恰當的音質厚度感,樂器結像豐滿不瘦削,琴腔的木頭質感共鳴十分迷人。濃稠的擦弦質感聽來非常有味,伴奏的鋼琴同樣是圓潤飽滿又顆粒分明,分量和比例都拿捏得很到位。
而換上另一種樂器,用薩克斯演奏的《土耳其進行曲》又如何呢?莫扎特的這首作品通常是用鋼琴獨奏的方式演奏的。LUXMAN 和 SPENDOR 組合略為昏黃的暖調音色和飽滿質感,氣息的流動如在面前歷歷在目,樂器的金屬質感飽滿而不冷硬,重播金屬管樂器是那麼的動聽。另外,我發現LUXMAN和SPENDOR這套組合重播吉他也是非常到位的,吉他的頻響不算很寬,但通常掄指飛舞的演奏是極為考驗重播器材的響應速度和分析力的。比如試聽的這張《Hit Lobo》,暖調音色的組合依然能重播出晶瑩通透的吉他樂器質感,演奏雖然沒有令人眼花繚亂的炫技,但吉他的質感、演奏時的細節,以及結像形態等元素都很到位,加上這張唱片中人聲演唱的細膩情感,整體聽感暖融融的,音樂情感尤為動人。

3/5R2 SE ●喇叭單元:15cm with EP77 polymer cone 中 低音單元;22mm wide-surround 高音單元 ●承載功率:100W ●靈敏度:86dB ●分頻點:4.1kHz ●阻抗:8Ω ●頻率響應:70Hz-20kHz(±3dB) ●體積(WHD):165×305×190mm ●重量:4.8kg/ 每隻 ●顏色:黑檀木

LUXMAN 的聲音風格真的不像是日系風格,其厚、暖的音色加上不俗的速度感和分析力非常討好人耳。這種風格其實和現代流行的高清晰度、高透明度、高分析力也有不同,這套組合的線條感沒那麼銳利卻也不含糊,速度不算快但也不拖沓,透明度不算最高的行列但也不是霧蒙蒙的感覺。呈現的音樂穩定、內斂、耐聽,音樂感染力之強更是很多現代系統所不能比擬的。真的佩服日本人的音響設計,無論是細致的字體、還是大小適中的金屬按鈕,一切都是來的得宜。細看 D-380 和 LX-380 的金屬前面板,還特地保留了空間展示電子管燈絲幽幽光芒,在夜晚將燈光調暗,看著電子管迷人的光暈,已經上方橙色的指示燈,聽著舒服有感染的音樂,那享受絕非冷冰冰的現代器材可以相提並論。如果你正希望在書房或者起居室中添置一套外觀極具品味,音質耐聽有感染力的音響系統,這套日本 LUXMAN 和英國 SPENDOR 的組合就是最佳的選擇。

轉載自 2017-12-27 新音响

當 SPENDOR S3/5R2 SE 遇上膽機

我夢想著擁有一套韻味十足的音響,它不需要很全面,甚至不太完美,但需要把音樂演繹好,當然它不會是天價,這樣才承受得起。它最好是一對書架箱加上一台膽機,一種溫馨的感覺,拿它來放些輕鬆的音樂、放些感人至深的歌曲,時不時陶醉一下自己、感動一下家人。當我看到、聽到 SPENDOR S3/5R2 SE 書架箱加力仕LX-380 功放加力仕 D-380 CD 機這個組合的時候,我覺得應該就是它了。

第二次看到 S3/5R2 SE,我已經不再探討它了,包括它的設計、用的喇叭,還有背后的故事(想了解 S3/5R2 SE 的朋友可以翻閱今年本刊8月刊的測評文章),這次我隻想做個忠實的聽者,而它就是演奏家或者是歌唱家。第一次它並不是眼前的搭配,而是機身纖薄的朗泉 EVOLUTION 100CD 播放機和 EVOLUTION 100A 合並功放,這一套顯得很清秀,如果放小居室再放置些CD專輯裝飾一下可以增添不少音樂元素,能看也能聽。S3/5R2 SE 和朗泉的組合其實絕對滿足筆者的要求,但是聽了 S3/5R2 SE 和力仕 LX-380 膽功放的搭配之后,筆者有了移情別戀的可能,到底怎麼回事容后再敘吧。
S3/5R2 SE 是思奔達經典書架箱S3/5的第五代產品——黑檀木特別限量版,源自於大家熟知的經典 LS3/5a,有的朋友會問思奔達為什麼不生產 LS3/5a?,筆者認為有這對超脫前作的 S3/5,還需要 LS3/5a 嗎?如果廠家同時也推出 LS3/5a,那麼就產生既生亮何生瑜的問題,這就尷尬了。
筆者喜歡 S3/5R2 SE 的原因很簡單,5英寸的喇叭也足夠用來回放飽滿的中低音,對於小箱子來說中低音爆滿一些會更好;它小巧而不佔地方,加上精細的工藝顯得可愛;具有古典音箱溫潤而甜美的聲音特質,又有一些現代音箱的分析力與動態,聽起來不乏音樂美感。據商家透露的消息,首批 100 對 S3/5R2 SE 在短時間內被搶購一空,可見其魅力。

力仕 LX-380 合並功放和 D-380 CD 機
筆者第一次看到這套機器時感到既陌生又熟悉。陌生的是它們都是新品,我對它們一無所知,熟悉的是它們的外觀,經典的力仕風格,滿是復古情調:力仕慣用的原木機殼搭配金屬面板,仿佛回到上世紀 60 年代。在復古即潮流的今天,這樣的外觀肯定會加分的,還未開聲就讓人想擁有的沖動。
LX-380 面板分布著各種旋鈕和開關,表明它有許多功能。粗略看一下有音調控制、唱頭放大、耳機輸出等等,並且與時俱進地加入了遙控功能。LX-380 的功率多大?不大不小 20W(6Ω),在膽機中這樣的輸出功率不算小了,驅動SPENDOR S3/5R2 SE 不會有問題。
LX-380 是在上世紀60年代發布的名機 SQ-38 的基礎上設計制造的,依然延續了SQ-38 的外觀設計,採用了 LECUA 音量調控電路,實現高精度的音量調節。輸出管是日本制造的 6L6GC,而這隻管做推挽輸出時最大功率可達 50W 以上,不過力仕並不追求大的輸出,而是講究聲音的韻味和工作的穩定性。
而D-380 隻是一台單純 CD 機,沒有集合現實流行的解碼功能,除了簡單的模擬輸出和數字輸出之外,沒有任何多余的接口,不過 D-380 是擁有膽輸出的 CD 機。LX-380 合並功放和 D-380 CD 機都屬於力仕的古典系列(CLASSIC SERIES),主打復古情調的Hi-End產品。


對於經典的 LS3/5a,音響界中有一說法,那就是無膽不歡,但實際上也是有選擇的。你拿一台大功率的膽機去推,雖然動態好了,音場也撐得開,但未必有好的韻味,同時它也無法發出強力的低頻,這不是它的強項。而大功率膽機要做到細膩與韻味並不容易,往往能做到細膩與韻味的大功率膽機其售價都很可觀,對於一對售價不及2萬元的書架箱來說,這樣的投資是不合理的。
之前筆者就認為,與 SPENDOR S3/5R2 SE 搭配的放大器,可以是陰柔,也可以是細膩型的,中頻可以選用不太亮的機種,這樣可以獲得平衡而有韻味的聲音。而力仕 LX-380 合並功放的聲音柔和細膩,很符合這種要求。如果搭配諸如 KT80、KT120 這樣的推挽機,中頻會顯得過於飽滿,顆粒感加強,這樣容易失去應有的味道。
力仕 LX-380 與 SPENDOR S3/5R2 SE 搭配,讓 SPENDOR S3/5R2 SE 的特點得到充分的發揮,而力仕 LX-380 的潛力其實不止於此,它還可以搭配更高端的音箱,其實力仕 LX-380 的售價是 SPENDOR S3/5R2 SE 的兩倍以上,不計較價格落差的話這是個不錯的搭配,同時在日后也有升級空間,充分發揮力仕 LX-380 可以同時接駁兩對音箱的功能(可以切換選擇聽哪一對)。

廣東音樂大合奏“旱天雷”:笛子、二胡的聲音圓滑細致,揚琴通透輕盈,低中音飽滿而富有彈性,整首樂曲聽起來很熱烈,給人帶來一種喜悅之感。這套組合依然展現細致圓潤的聲音,這類廣東音樂中高頻樂器偏多,系統表現不堪的話會出現毛刺感,但這套組合呈現的是柔和不刺耳的聲音,另外在現場 20 平方左右的空間之下,依然有良好的空間營造能力,低中頻也顯得飽滿有厚度。
匈牙利舞曲第一 G 好小調:大提琴的聲音飽滿暗啞,泛音充足,小提琴婉轉動聽,無論緩慢或者是急促斗表現得淋漓盡致。表現弦樂仍然是這套組合的拿手好戲,呈現一種濃濃的香味,另外位置感也歷歷在目,小提琴的定位、樂手拉弦時的晃動都能感覺到,相當精彩。



轉載自 2017-12-16 尧辰 视听前线音响短评

365 days, 144 hours: How to build a Spendor loudspeaker


It takes Spendor six days to build a loudspeaker and a whole year to design one. Here’s what the process looks like for a Spendor D7

Designed and manufactured in Great Britain from original designs, Spendor loudspeakers – which include the accessible A-Line and the enthusiast D-Line and Classic – deliver a transparent and musical sound that performs well above their price point. Indeed, so good are Spendor loudspeakers, the A4 floor-standers won a coveted five-star What Hi-Fi? Award earlier this year.

Creating a loudspeaker as good as a Spendor, particularly one that’s as aesthetically pleasing as it is sonically proficient, is no easy task. In the video below, each stage of the six-day build process has been beautifully documented, beginning with an initial concept that’s cleverly matched to the market need by the Spendor team.

The initial concept goes through research and development, a year-long process of experimentation to find the perfect sound for the product. Detailed drawings are made using modern CAD (computer-aided design) software, while the effects of different drivers, styles and materials are precisely calculated. At every stage of the process, the Spendor team takes comprehensive measurements and listens, listens and then listens to the loudspeaker again.

Every part of the loudspeaker has a profound effect on its sound. The cabinets, crafted with sophisticated multi-axis computer controlled machining, are assembled by skilled operators with decades of experience. The natural veneers that give the cabinets their smart, modern styling are matched from a variety of premium woods before going through a process of mirroring and laying to achieve the perfect look. The cabinet is then lacquered and polished with a meticulous attention to detail for a beautiful finish.

The heart of a loudspeaker is the drive unit. Spendor uses vacuum formed EP77 polymer cones mounted inside a die-cast magnesium alloy chassis. Aerospace-grade adhesives – as strong as steel – marry the high density ferrite magnet ring and Kevlar composite bass cones. It’s this precision alignment of cone, coil and suspension assembly – as well as premium crossovers made with precision inductor winding and gold plated four-layer circuit boards – that give Spendor speakers their sought-after sound.

The cabinets and drivers are brought together to create a fully working loudspeaker that – like at every stage of the process – is tested and calibrated against Spendor’s laboratory reference to ensure it meets the company’s meticulously high standards. Finally, the loudspeaker is packed and sent out to one very happy customer. A year of extensive design work is turned into a hand-built loudspeaker in six extremely labour-intensive days.

Such craftsmanship is why Spendor can create the innovative, elegantly engineered and beautiful sounding loudspeakers that have astonished listeners for over 40 years.

Spendor A4 review – WhatHiFi

Looking for a good pair of compact premium floorstanders? Spendor’s new A4s could be exactly what you’re after.

They’re beautifully engineered, smartly finished and sound great. And at just over 80cm tall they’re unlikely to dominate, even in smaller rooms.

Build and compatibility

While it may be tempting to think of these speakers as a development of the company’s well-established A5 model, they are quite different – even if the general styling and cabinet dimensions suggest otherwise.

These are a two-way design, rather than the 2.5-way of the A5 – the change is marked with a move from two 15cm drivers to a single 18cm mid/bass unit.

The low frequencies are tuned by a rear-firing reflex port on the new model. The older has a sealed cabinet.

High frequencies are delivered by Spendor’s favoured 22mm wide-surround tweeter, which is claimed to produce a wider frequency range and lower distortion than traditional dome designs – but this time with a protective grille in place.

The change in drive unit configuration doesn’t alter the underlying specification too much.

Claimed sensitivity is similar at 86dB/W/m (just a single dB down from the A5) and nominal impedance remains at 8ohms. Any good price-appropriate amplifier will be happy driving these.

We’re impressed by the build quality. The cabinet feels immensely rigid, with carefully designed internal bracing combined with the clever use of low-mass constrained polymer damping.

The finish is pleasing too, with crisp edges, neat detailing and smart real wood veneers. There are the traditional finish options, including black ash, dark walnut and natural oak.

Connection is through a high quality pair of single wire terminals. Spendor has moved away from biwiring with its A models in a bid to keep things simple.

We’re fine with that. It’s always better to use a single run of quality cable over twin runs of an inferior alternative.

These floorstanders are unfussy about positioning – just give them a little space to breathe and don’t stuff them into a corner.

We angle them towards the listening position slightly, which helps to solidify the stereo imaging.


Once up and running it doesn’t take long to realise the A4s are talented. They have a more outgoing and friendly character than the older model. They’re expressive, entertaining and, perhaps surprisingly for a Spendor design, fun.

We start with Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture and these floorstanders revel in the music’s wide-ranging dynamics and complex arrangement.

There’s plenty of insight, with the A4s able to track multiple instrumental strands while still presenting them as a cohesive and musical whole.

Spendor has long prided itself on delivering natural and convincing tonality, and that’s the case again here. These floorstanders sound clean and wonderfully balanced.

They replace the slightly sterile presentation of the A5s with a natural sense of life and articulation that’s hugely engaging.

Stereo imaging is impressive too. Once properly positioned (and partnered with suitably talented electronics) these speakers describe an expansive, nicely layered soundstage populated with precisely located instruments.

The imaging stays stable even when the music becomes demanding, which is no easy feat.

Massive Attack’s Teardrop shows the A4s to be capable of deep, articulate low frequencies.

While they wouldn’t be our first choice to fill large rooms or play at a party, they do well for their size. More importantly, they stay refined and composed when pushed hard, avoiding the slight edge of their predecessors.

Rhythms are handled in a surefooted manner and delivered with plenty of snap and drive. There’s all the insight and analysis we’ve come to expect from Spendor’s models, but here it comes with a sense of enthusiasm the brand hasn’t always achieved.

The A4’s midrange is lovely. Voices come through with impressive clarity, pleasing projection and a class-leading level of subtlety. This points to well-matched drive units and a carefully calibrated crossover.


While we’ve generally liked Spendor’s products, a few of the smaller, more affordable models have tended to prioritise analysis over entertainment.

The A4 delivers both, with ease. In recent years the likes of PMC’s Twenty 23s have been our go-to compact floorstanders at this price level.

We’re adding the Spendor A4s to that very short shortlist.

From WhatHiFi July 2017

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